Download Gimp Mac Os X 10.5 8

On a MAC and looking to use GIMP? Great news! GIMP is not just for Windows and Linux users. In fact, as of recently, GIMP actually has better development support for its MAC version than it does Windows. So, MAC install packages often get favorable treatment over Windows.

Download GIMP 2.10.22 via BitTorrent Download GIMP 2.10.22 directly The download links above will attempt to download GIMP from one of our trusted mirror servers. If the mirrors do not work or you would rather download directly from our server, you can get the direct download here. Supported OS: Windows 7 or over. Download GIMP on OS X for free. GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free image editor. GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. Use GIMP as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc. If you are Tiger or Leopard user, you can install GIMP 2.6.If you are using Snow Leopard and above can use the latest version of GIMP (right now, that’s GIMP 2.8.4). Here are the instructions to download and install GIMP in X11 in OS X for OS X10.5.2 or more. #1 GIMP for Mac – Installing x11 from XQuartz project. First you will need to.

However, I don’t need to get into detail about that for this tutorial. Today, I am going to show you how to install and open GIMP for MAC. It’s easy and free, and I’m convinced it will change your life.

Step 1. Visit

GIMP is ALWAYS available for free via That’s because it’s an open source program that is created and maintained by developers in their spare time while living in their parent’s basement. Just kidding about that last part – although that’s sometimes how I picture them to amuse myself.

Download Gimp Mac Os X 10.5 8.4

They are actually stand-up guys (most of them) who put in a lot of man-hours for the good of the photo editing community and humanity in general.

Once you are on the GIMP website, you’ll see a button right on the home page that says “Download” followed by the latest version of GIMP (i.e. “Download 2.10.12”). Clicking this button (denoted by the red arrow) will take you to the Downloads page.

Download Gimp Mac Os X 10.5 8

Step 2. Choose Your Download

At the very top of the downloads page is a quick blurb about what the “Current Stable Version”(denoted by the blue arrow) of GIMP is – which just means the current working version available to the general public. About the third sentence or so on the page will read “We think your current operating system is…” followed by your operating system type. For MAC users, it should say “OS X” or some variation of “macOS.” If it doesn’t say this, you can manually click the “Show downloads for OS X” option to bring up the download options for MAC.

Download gimp mac os x 10.5 8.4

On the left side, under the “GIMP for macOS” heading (red arrow), you will see a teal/green button labeled “Download GIMP 2.10.12 via BitTorrent.” On the right side, you’ll see an orange button labeled “Download GIMP 2.10.12 Directly” (GIMP 2.10.12 was the latest version of GIMP at the time of this article). I recommend clicking the option on the right (download directly – orange button).

Once you click the download button, the GIMP download package will begin downloading to your computer. A “Downloads” option will pop up next to your trash can. Click on this to reveal the GIMP download package.

The GIMP download package should be revealed in your downloads. It is a “.dmg” file, which is a standard download package for MAC. Click on this file once it has finished downloading.

The download package will open, displaying a status bar as the files are extracted (it will take a minute or so, depending on how slow/fast your computer is).

Once the download package has opened in GIMP, you will see a window titled “GIMP 2.10 Install,” as shown in the folder above, along with the GIMP application (GIMP-2.10 in the photo above).

Step 3. Drag the Application Into Your Applications Folder

A lot of applications will tell you to drag your downloaded application into your Applications folder on your MAC – but GIMP does not provide this instruction (at least not in a prominent location). So, this will likely be the step where a lot of your either got stuck or will get stuck. Don’t worry – it’s really easy to finish the job here.


All you have to do is open a new Finder window by going to File>New Finder Window in the top right corner of your screen (the Finder window option will only appear if you area clicked on a Finder window – which you should be since the GIMP 2.10 install opens by default in a Finder window).

Once you have a Finder window open, navigate to your Applications folder (red arrow).

Then, click and drag the GIMP application (red arrow in the photo above) directly into your Applications folder (follow the blue dots to the blur arrow, while clicking and holding your mouse).

A status bar will appear that says “copying” while the program is copied over from your Downloads folder to the Applications folder (this will effectively install the program).

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Download Gimp Mac Os X 10.5 80 5 8

Download Gimp Mac Os X 10.5 8

Gimp Download Mac Os X

Once GIMP is copied over to your Application folder, double click on the GIMP icon within this folder to open the application (red arrow). A window will appear that says “Verifying” with another status bar (this will only happen the first time you open GIMP).

Then, your MAC will ask you if you are sure you want to open the program (for security purposes – again this will only happen the first time you open the program). Click “Open” to confirm you want to open it.

Your GIMP program should now open!

Gimp 2.8 Download Windows 10

That’s it for this tutorial. If you enjoyed it, you can check out my other GIMP Help Articles, GIMP Video Tutorials, or premium GIMP Classes & Courses.

GIMP on OS X is a project, which provides pre-build and easy to install application bundles of The GIMP for Mac OS X.
This version fixes some bugs in GIMP. For more details please read the ChangeLog. There are no other changes made to the GIMP on OS X bundles and no other plugins have been updated or changed. For a brief information about all those great and powerful plugins which are shipped preinstalled with the GIMP on OS X packages, just go to the Photo Editing page here on this site.
GIMP is now available for Leopard users. GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages. GIMP is very powerful with functionality not found in any other freeware product. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert-quality photo-retoucher, mass production image renderer, or an image-format converter. GIMP is modular, expandable, and extensible.

  • Scalable brushes.
  • Improved selection tools.
  • Full-screen editing.
  • Improved Printing.
  • Red Eye Removal. and much more…….

Gimp Download For Mac

Customizable Interface

Each task requires a different environment and GIMP allows you to customize the view and behavior the way you like it. Starting from the widget theme, allowing you to change colors, widget spacings and icon sizes to custom tool sets in the toolbox. The interface is modulized into so called docks, allowing you to stack them into tabs or keep them open in their own window. Pressing the tab key will toggle them hidden.
GIMP features a great fullscreen mode allowing you to not only preview your artwork but also do editing work while using the most of your screen estate.

Photo Enhancement

Numerous digital photo imperfections can be easily compensated for using GIMP. Fix perspective distortion caused by lens tilt simply choosing the corrective mode in the transform tools. Eliminate lens’ barrel distortion and vignetting with a powerful filter but a simple interface.
Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and 10.6 SnowLeopard are shipped with X11. There‘s no need to install any other X11 package nor XQuartz.